Monday, April 26, 2010

We get to meet them!!!

So I got a phone call today from the boy's worker and she said that she thought that we should be the boys in a non threatening invirement. So we are going to go to a function and the foster parents will introduce us as their good friends and we will just have a chance to hang out, and then that way when they give the boys the coming home books with our pictures in it they will not so intimidated because we will be a familiar face. "Thats the theory"

So The pressure is on....... This only work if they like us right off the bat and have fun other wise it could make things harder. While Im so stinken siked to meet them how am I going to hold it together? Im meeting my SONS for the first time and its hey how you doing want to play a game and get an ice cream with no mention of anything else? YIKES!

Please please please pray. We are thrilled and so scared. The meeting is may 8th

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Our meetings

This last week has been so crazy! We had two full disclosure meetings one on Monday and one on Tuesday. Mondays went pretty well they basically just covered the past any info they had about the bio parents and the reason for the boys being taking out of the home. Really wasn't to intimidating or excited pretty much just the facts. And then there was Tuesday. That was a rough day! We went over everything that hast to do with the boys now, we spoke with the therapists, foster parents, and social workers. They proceeded to give us the run down on everything that is wrong with them, how terrible they can be, and how they do not want to be adopted and how hard it is going to be for us and them, but let me just say I LOVE my hubby! Because after we had listend to what they had to say he simpled said ok so you have said all the bad stuff now for our sakes can we hear some good things about them? The room went quite for a second and finally the foster parents spoke up and told us how lovable they can be. How much joy they can get out of helping out around the house and helping to build things, how there little loughs can just brighten your day! Finally we heard about who they really are not just how they can act out because they are confused and in pain. We had our time to ask questions and we got answers to some of them.

We are waiting again for another two weeks because one of the therapists "needs" to be on vacation and so we should all just wait on her...... Sorry but Im not thrilled about that one.

Once she gets back from the very necessary trip... We will have a calendar staffing which is where we will all will determine the schedule of visits. first we will go to the foster parents home for dinner, and then maybe they will come to our home, then Charlie and I will take them out for the day, then they will spend the night and then finally they will come HOME!

my heart is aching to just be done with the paper work and to start raising our family! Gods timing is perfect but so hard some times.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Monday and Tuesday!

Ok so we have two more meetings coming up one on monday and one on tuesday and we would just like to ask for prayer as we go into these meetings. That we would have clarity of mind, and peaceful hearts. Also that if its God will we have been praying that the boys would be in our home to stay by June 1st, and we may be discussing that at the meetings so we just praying that we would be able to speed up the process a little bit!

Thank you to all of you that have been so faithful to pray for us and our growing family!

Monday, April 5, 2010


What a blessing yesturday was! We had a very nice day! Sunrise service was so beautiful and warm and it was just awesome to see all the people that came forward yesturday and excepted the Lord as their savior :) After service we went to breakfast with some very close friends that are more family really. And then it was off to take a nap! Afte we joined my family at my parents home for a really good lunch and some family time!

Charlie and I were talking later on in the day though about how we both just felt distracted during the whole time and while we were so enjoyiing the rembering of what our Lord and Savior did for us, and celebrating with our family we just kept thinking about our boys. What were they doing? where they having fun? What did they think easter was all about? What would next easter look like at sunrise service with to little boys? We are just at the point where pratty much everything we do we cant help but to think about those two little guys. We are already worrying if they are ok and safe, happy and healthy.

How great the Fathers love must be for us! To think about the love that we already have for these boy that we are yet to meet, and to think that it will never even compare to the the way that the Lord loves us! Sacraficing His son for us, taking care of our needs continually forgiving our sins. Im just in awe of the amount of love that He has for children and the way that He shows it daily!