Months before and ever since the boys came home Charlie and I did a TON of research about medication, because unfortunately 42 percent of all the kids in care are on 3 or MORE mood altering drugs.
I take issue with this, and I have for a while, but then when it becomes your child that is being put on these drugs it becomes a far more personal conviction. You feel bad when you hear of a family in a car crash but when its your own its very different!
When we first got our full disclosure on the boys we read all of the meds that they were on I was so SICK when I read it. Seriously the selfishness and neglect that went into there diagnosis's is outrageous. For starters our 4yr old at the time was on a blood pressure medication............. It was being used as a trial for anxiety and also he was on an adhd medication the label on the bottle said not to use on children under 5 he had been on it for a year and a half. My 7yr old at the time was on ADHD medication and abilify first of all the adhd meds have been banned in canada because over 10 children have died suddenly on this drug. However the FDA has found no cause to discontinue the drug. The abilfy was prescribed because after raising the dose to 3 times the recommended dose of the adhd meds he was still "acting out" in school so clearly he needed an adult antiphychotic...........
Once the boys moved in we immediately went to work on getting Jason off of his meds and CJ off of the Abilfy, before you freak or criticize we were under the close supervision of a therapist and pediatrician, we had to slowly ween cj off because to just stop a drug like that can actuall cause a person to loose it!
Once off Jason thrived in every way emotionally, mentally, physically in fact he grew so fast we had to buy all new cloths, one side effect of these drugs is they severely stunt your growth. He had NO reason to be on adhd meds in fact over all he is pretty calm for a little boy and the anxiety was not bad enough for an adult blood pressure medication.
CJ poor baby, after taking him off of his adhd meds we saw him dramaticly calm down, not suppose to happen when being taken off an adhd med but it did and that happened because even though he was seeing a psychologist twice a week and being closely monitored the meds were acting as a stimulate so every time they increased it he got even worse and to counter act it he was given the abilify which the side effect of the drugs are anger, aggression, and possibly severe mood swings. Exactly what the foster parents complained about...more could be said however Im holding back......
Im writing this for a couple of reasons one is because Im passionate about getting our foster children off of these drugs, two I wanted to share our experience with this first hand, and three to share that there truly are other resources for our kids that truly do have ADHD. When we started to ween CJ off of his meds we got him a NATURAL supplement call kidalin. Its a life saver!! It has a variety of different herbs that work to together to help with the symptoms of adhd, but on top of that it works on rewiring the brain and fixing the reasons that children have adhd. That's whats so exciting . What people need to realize is that mood altering drugs are only treating symptoms not the problem. This treats the problem and I am telling you it works. We not only were able to get the kid to sit still but he is not as edgy with his attitude! And with Jason most of his anxiety has gone but when he is having some trouble some chamomile or catnip helps a lot too. And of course along with the herbs there is prayer, love guidance, structure, and discipline and all of that working together has made the difference.
I am in NO way saying just take your kids or loved ones off of any medication. Like I said before we were under close supervision of dr.s and we did it slowly. We absolutely know that in some cases medication is the best option for some individuals.
What I am saying is there is a serious problem with our foster care system, school system, and pediatric system when the first choice is to put a child on a sedative instead of first trying to use patience, prayer discipline and love!
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010
Thanksgiving pictures
Monday, November 22, 2010
Our Adoption Day
I know that it has been forever since my last post and I really want to get better....
For those of you that dont know yet, the boys have had a name change. We originally were only going to change their middle names but CJ "Robert" Talked to us and told us that he really wanted to change his first name to
Thursday was our Adoption day and it was wonderful!! I simply cannot believe the reliefe that we all felt right away! Its as if I we were holding our breath for 5 months and we could finaly breath again after court.Right after court we took the boys to build a bear work shop we had a great time it was the perfect activity for us to do as a new family! Afterwards we spent some time at home resting and then later that night we had a big party at peter piper pizza with so many of the people that have
Since then things have been really good always a little crazy with two energetic boys but over all its been great!
The following is a letter that we wrote to the boys about how we feel about them and what this process as been like!
Our Journey as a family started years and years ago when God started developing a heart for adoption in both poppa and mom. When papa and mom got together we started talking about a family and what we wanted and both of us said we wanted to adopt. So
We know that you were scared, mad, and a little excited when you first met us, and it was really hard for papa and mom to see you guys having a hard time we wanted to take away all of your hurts and make it all better!
So we all started our journey as a family, we had visits and getting to know each other time, and then the BIG
It has been a long journey for all of us already and our lives together have just started, we have good days and bad days we have had happy times and sad times, we have been through Lots of things that a family gos through in the short time we have been together, we have seen a wedding in our family, we have seen a very important family member pass away and been sad together and we have welcomed in a beautiful baby into our family together. What an amazing blessing to have gone through so much together already. God has truly blessed our little family.
We will still have good and bad days and we will still have to work hard on being a family but we will always be there for each other and we will always love each other!
You boys are the most precious things in our lives and you have truly blessed our lives more then you can ever know!
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