Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Friendship! Since charlie has been in class every tuesday i have had the chance to hang out with one of my close friends and last night she blessed me with flowers :) she always encourages me so much i love my friend!

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Thursday, July 16, 2009

So very much to think about!

Now that we are well on our way into the process of working to get our children home the emotions have began! Different thoughts come to me everyday. There are so many things to think about and so many things to worry about if I don't give it to the Lord daily! I have been thinking about if we should keep them in school instead of home schooling them right a way because the kids we are looking at are thriving in school and love it, and what type of rules should we have set in place when they come, most people just adjust there rules as there kids grow but we are not going to have that chance, I know we will get to know them and what they need but there should be some boundaries I think, what are our goals for our kids what do we want to be involved with them in, I know that alot of this will come to us as we grow with them but I cant help but be thinking these things over I also think about walking to the park with them and playing with them, reading to them before bed and helping them through problems, watching Charlie guide and teach them Watching our parents and brothers and sisters meet them for the first time and seeing them become apart of our family. And then I start the worrying like the thought that whoever God is bringing us is in the foster care system for a reason and right now they are with there foster parents and I cant help but think OUR children are in some one Else's home and I pray daily some times hourly that they are being well taken care of and being taught Godly things

So much stuff always in my head. I'm so thankful I can always give it to the Lord and know that he does and always will love these children so much more then I ever could!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Our first visit with the social worker!

We had our first visit with our socail worker on Monday and it was wonderful! We know that God put us with this man for so many purposes.

So many people have told us to not say that we are a christians or that we plan on raising our kiddos in a Godly home, but then the question came right into the interview the man said I see here you both attended a christian collage what church do you go to and what is your faith? And the verse went through my head where Jesus says if you deny me before men I will deny you before the father and I knew that God is on our side and so much bigger then the issues of our government, and so both charlie and I answered at the same time. Later on during our visit with him Charlie asked him if he went to church and he paused and got very quite and admitted to us that it had been a very long time since he has been to church, and then quickly changed the subject. But I firmly believe that we will have to chance to share the love of Christ with this man!

He also told us that there is a very good chance we will have kiddos in our home by Nov. of this yr!!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. In love
he predestined us to be adopted as his sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will-
to the praise of his glorious grace, which he has freely given us in the One he loves. Eph. 1:5

Adoption is one of the foundations of out faith We are adopted into the family of Christ and receive an unconditional love. And have the amazing privilege of calling the creator of the Universe Abba Father.

From the time that Charlie and I were dating it has been on our hearts to adopt. Through our work in youth ministries we have seen the pain that children go though of not having people to call mom and dad or a place that they can say is there home and it is our hearts to give a couple of these sweet Little ones a place that is there own. And we are so excited about this adventure. This is a topic that is so close to my husbands heart, the person that he calls dad is his dad in every way except by blood, and it is so important to charlie for people to understand that the person who loved him and supported home for most of his life is to him his dad not his step dad. And its important to him to give that same kind of unconditional love to the children that the Lord brings into our home. So we have began the process we are making our first attempt at finding out more information on two little boys who are currently in foster care. They are a little older then we had first planned but we have a total peace about it and are moving forward. We have no idea where this will lead us but we are confident that all is in God's hands and that he will provide the very best home for these little boys and our hearts desire is that happens even if it is not our home that they come too.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Fathers day

Yesterday, was fathers day, and we as a family for the 1st time in a long time had a good time! It's funny the child-parent relationship. So much can be said and done to hurt the other and so many harsh feelings, and yet the familiarity of child hood memories that floods in when everyone comes together to celebrate a family member can for at least a little while sooth the harshness and bring back the appreciation. Family's are wonderful they represent forgiveness, and real love. There people who know all of your faults your terrible moods and how you look in the morning and they still choose to always be there for you and to love you.

Saturday, June 20, 2009


Last weekend we went to grants to do some hiking we had an amazing time! So much fun to just be away from everything and spend some time together exploring new things.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Working Out

I have started the long process of getting back into shape!! And we will see just what that shape is in a couple of months....... I have been doing this dvd work out from the biggest loser show and it really has been working and when I do it every day I notice how much better I feel not just physically but emotionally and mentally too, and not only that I dont crave the things that are bad for my body things that cause me to be so self destructive. And being that our bodies are a temple should it really surprise me that this is very similar to what a quite time is for our souls, how when I make the effort to spend time with the Lord every day I feel better emotionally and mentally, that I dont crave the things of this world but the things of the Lord?
I think that just maybe today i will be able to catch up on things. Another super busy week!


Gardening is something that is new to me this yr and I love it! still learning so much about it!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

I've decided

I have decided I am going to join the world of blogging! I dont know why exactly but I think I am pretty excited about it. There is always so much that I have to say so much that I want to document and yet I dont so now maybe I will I hope to update this daily maybe weekly, we shall see.

I titled this blog blessed because I truly believe that my husband and I are blessed! We love the Lord and we believe Him to be the creater of the world. We also believe that he sent His son to die for us and that who soever believes in him wll not perish but have ever lasting life!

We try to live our lives as one that would glorify God and I am confident that we fail greatly at this daily however I am also confident that God knows our hearts and loves us inspite of who we are.

Anyway thanks for taking a minute to find out a little about who we are.

God bless and keep you!