Wednesday, June 17, 2009

I've decided

I have decided I am going to join the world of blogging! I dont know why exactly but I think I am pretty excited about it. There is always so much that I have to say so much that I want to document and yet I dont so now maybe I will I hope to update this daily maybe weekly, we shall see.

I titled this blog blessed because I truly believe that my husband and I are blessed! We love the Lord and we believe Him to be the creater of the world. We also believe that he sent His son to die for us and that who soever believes in him wll not perish but have ever lasting life!

We try to live our lives as one that would glorify God and I am confident that we fail greatly at this daily however I am also confident that God knows our hearts and loves us inspite of who we are.

Anyway thanks for taking a minute to find out a little about who we are.

God bless and keep you!