Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Best interest placement = more waiting

Wait on the Lord Be of good courage and He shall strengthen your heart. Wait I say on the Lord. Palms 27:14.
OK so we have a big meeting coming up its a week from tomorrow "3-24-10", basically its a chance for all of the kids workers to meet us and get a good feel for us to see if we are the same people in person that we are on paper! Plus to make sure that our personalities are a good thing for the boys. If everything gos well at that meeting we will have a full disclosure meeting within 2 weeks after that, and then we have have to take a min of 72 hours and a max of two weeks to make our final decision to move forward with the adoption during that time we are suppose to be calling teachers and therapists and a whole list that they will give us to get a better idea about who these kids really are. If we decide to continue after that, and I am pretty confident we will unless the Lord totally reveals something to us, then we will work on getting them home, they said it should be about a month long process of visits, phone calls and yes as always waiting:). This has not been easy in fact its been down right hard, and there has been so many fears and worries and things that come up in everyday life that really at times can make me doubt that this will ever happen, but at the same time with every doubt and fear God has been so faithful to remind me of His grace, love and mercy! He has truly been revealing Himself to me as my father and I am so thankful for that!

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