Monday, March 8, 2010

Yesterday we had the opportunity to go to joy junction and serve the homeless! I have to say it was kinda rough, Charlie and I have both been there a couple of times before and for some reason it was harder, it just seemed darker. I was so saddened by a little girl who told me that her daddy and brother were not there with her,because he had his own house and she and her mother and sister had to stay there at the shelter by themselves! It broke my heart. We put on a skit and puppet show for the kiddos as well as had a little message and looking out at the people they were so hardened and hurt. One of the blessing though was this women who came up and asked for prayer for herself she asked if we would pray that she would stay strong and not go back to the wrong tipe of people and stay away from drugs, she also rededicated her life and that was so awesome I was thrilled for her but also new she had a long road ahead of her!

I think that one of the reasons it was hard for charlie and I is being that we are adopting from foster care there is a very real possibility that our children's parents, or some one from there family could have been there. It just made the reality of where our kids are coming from so real.

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