Saturday, May 15, 2010

It only gets easier from here!

It still amazes me how scared my husband and I can be of a 4 and 7 yr old! Charlie and I were very nervous, probably the most that we have ever been together. When we got there the therapist came and got us and put us in the waiting room by our selves and said that she wanted to get the boys into her office first, and told us that she thinks it will go ok, because telling the boys went ok. And She also said that from this point is only get easier! LOVED THAT! So we waited......Charlie and I just kinda paced the floor and made some small talk. She came back and got us and as we walked into the room both the boys were hiding and it really took alot to get them to come out and sit and talk, but the foster parents did get them and got them ok and sitting down. She told them our names and Robert remembered us from Sat. He didn't say so at first but after we played a game he talked about how he played with Charlie and the things that they did on Saturday. And then she directed us in asking questions little ones like whats your favorite color, actor, sports and we all answered Robert did kinda pick on charlie a little bit by saying that charlies foot ball team sucked things like that but over all he was good and asked questions on his owne. But the first question that he asked was and this is how he said it " ok I only have one question: when we live with you when we have bbqs can we invite them sometimes?" He was pointing at his foster parents and we said of course that they could come, and Robert said ok then I think I can live with you :). You can tell that Robert is excepting it in a way but it hasn’t full sunk in. Enrique was VERY shy but also sweet he didnt talk much but he did good. You could tell that he was pretty scared still but I think he will be just fine! She asked us all what we were scared of and Charlie said that he was scared of mean people and Robert just lit up explaining THATS WHAT SCARES ME! And So the therapist asked us Charlie and Chas are you mean people will you yell and scream at the boys and hit them hard when your angry? "Because thats all that they know of other people" and we said no of course not. And at that point you could see Robert just physically relax he was so stressed and worried that he was just going to get really mean parents, and all he wanted was some nice ones. Then she told Robert to ask us what was our jobs so he asked me and I said that my job was going to be to stay home with them and take care of them, and he was very shocked at this and kinda acted like he had never heard of such a thing, it seemed to make him happy! Enrique again was quite but was smiling alot. Then Robert asked Charlie and Charlie told him and how gos to school but he also does all of the "fixing stuff" where we live and then he asked Robert if he would like to help him some days, and Robert was just so siked and explained that he loves to paint and that he would do all the painting for him if he needed!!! It was awesome he was just so willing to help and wanted to be involved!

Charlie and I are just in awe of the Lord and Know that He has his hands on this. It seriously could have gone completely different for us the whole process could have gone so differently And The Lord has just been guiding and blessing. We are so excited and just cant wait to get our boys home. We know it wont always be easy but we also know that the Lord will be with us and take care of us! I cant even express how full my heart is of joy!

Again, Thank you thank you thank you for all of the prayers!

Our next meeting with them will be this Sunday at the foster parents house for a bbq :)

1 comment:

  1. Amen! this is so awesome! I love that you all are able to go through this and share it with the rest of us. I know that you all are gonna be awesome loving parents. It brings happy tears to my eyes to know how God is working in your lives!
